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Optical Instrument

Optical Instrument > Picosecond Transient Absorption Spectroscopy System


picoTAS는 새로 개발된 RIPT(Randomly Interleaved Pulse Train) 방식을 사용하여 기존 방식으로는 측정하기 어려운 Gap Time Region(1~20 nanoseconds)을 포함한 다양한 시간 범위에서 발생하는 변화를 측정하는 데 매우 유용합니다.
또한 형광 신호를 제거하는 기능이 있어 기존에 측정할 수 없었던 다양한 Photo-induced reactions을 측정할 수 있습니다.

  • Completely Covers Gap Time Region (1ns ~ 20ns)
  • Broadband Wavelength Coverage from VIS to NIR
  • Transient absorption measurement from 100 picosecond to millisecond
  • Removal of fluorescence signal
  • Asynchronous Operation
  • Compact Size / No Optical Bench Required (-ns model)
  • Observation of Transient Absorption Spectra of Excited Singlet/Triplet State
  • Measurement of Intersystem Crossing (ISC) Rate
  • Research of Electron Transfer, Charge Separation/Recombination Dynamics
  • Observation of Intermolecular Reaction, Excimer Generation etc.
  • Analysis of Dynamics of Artificial Photosynthesis, Solar Energy Cell, Organic EL

Models picoTAS-ns picoTAS-ps
Method RIPT method (Randomly Interleaved Pulse Train method)
Time Resolution (10% 90% rise time) < 400 ps < 100 ps
Delay Time resolution 10ps, 20ps, 50ps, 100ps, 200ps, 500ps, 1ns, 2ns, 5ns, 10ns, 20ns
Full scale 100 ns-2 ms
Wavelength Range 410-1600 nm
Automatic Control wavelength scan, light intensity adjustment, shutter control
Sample Holder solution (optical path length is 2 mm), thin film
Pump Light Source Source passive Q-SW microchip laser picosecond mode-locked laser
Wavelength 532nm and/or 355nm 532nm and/or 355nm and/or 266nm
Pulse Width < 350 ps < 25 ps
Pulse Energy > 20 μJ > 80 μJ
Repetition Rate 100-1000 Hz (variable) 1000 Hz
Probe Light Source Source picosecond Supercontinuum Light Source
Pulse Width < 50-100 ps (dependent on wavelength)
Repetition Rate 20 MHz ±5%
PC & Software OS Windows® 7/10
Function Automatic reconstruction of transient absorption temporal profile, curve fitting (nonlinear least square method), data storage in text format
Installation Environment no optical bench required on optical bench